Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Architure greque essays

Architure greque essays Dart et les sports avaient une grand influence dans la culture grecque. Quelque chose que jaille couvrire sure lart et les sports son: Larchitecture en Grce a une influence sur les btiments et la maison en Grce. Les btiments taient beaucoup plus beaux que les maisons. L'art des Grec et le plus unique dans le monde, ils adorent art. Les jeux et les sports taient une grand partie dans la vie des Grecs. Architecture grecque tais une grand parties dans la vie des gens grecque. Avant le Nouvel Age de Pierre, les gens grecque habitaient dans la caverne, mais vers 6000 BC les habitants en Grce a commenc construire des maisons pour lui-mà ªme. Dans lancienne Grce les pauvres et les riches habitaient dans diffrent sort des maisons. Toutes les maisons ont t faites de boue, bois, de pierre et les briques ils ont besoin frquent ment les rparations. Les maisons des gens pauvres taient trs simples en comparaison des maisons des riches. Les maisons des pauvres avait seulement quelques salle simple, les maisons des riches tais plus grand avec plus un sale et tais concentre dans une cour. Dans le dbut des Ages Bronze, ils a trouv des grandes maisons au milieu du village, avec plus du lux, les grands murs de pierre. Les planchers et les murs dans les maisons, tais cr soigneusement du pierres, carreaux, et des petites roche. Les maisons plus agrables ont utilis des petites roche pour crer des mosaiques (les gens riches. Pour faire ceci, ils est all au bord de la mer et recueilli des petites roche colorie en les tailles similaire et a arrang les dans le sable pour faire une image ou modle sur la terre ou les murs. Dautre btiments en Grce ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

the trouble with marriage essays

the trouble with marriage essays In Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice the most important topic to theme and character development throughout the novel is that of courtship and marriage. From the very first chapter; the very first line, in fact, you see that this is a novel about the surmounting obstacles of courtship and the levels of difficulty in achieving romantic happiness, for it is well-stated that it is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a good wife.(1) As one of the most famous lines in literature it immediately establishes the centrality of marriage to the novel . This is done first by introducing Mr. Bingley, an event that sets the novel in motion; second, by its implication that the real truth is the opposite...that a single woman is in want of a wealthy husband. Marriage in Pride and Prejudice is a means of survival in an economy-based environment. It is the playing card by which all single women hope to score big and settle down with their winnings. The Bennetts are a perfect example of the institute of marriage that is exemplified in most every case of Pride and Prejudice. They married for the most noble of reasons in their time. Mrs. Bennett whose only purpose in life seems to be to find husbands for her daughters, and Mr. Bennett whose marriage to her is explained as him having been, captivated by youth and beauty, and that appearance of good humor which youth and beauty generally give resulting in his marriage to a woman whose weak understanding and illiberal mind had very early in their marriage put an end to all real affection for her (176).It can be best stated that the two of them merged for security and social climbing in the same way AOL and Time Warner have merged as corporations to improve their own individual worth. They are each others social game pieces...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Revenue management in Hotel industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Revenue management in Hotel industry - Essay Example identified three conditions which would be necessary for revenue management: there should be adequate fixed resources for sale; the resources should be perishable; and customers should be willing to pay different prices for the resources. Hotels sell rooms as fixed inventory which are highly perishable and attract different prices depending on size, location and availability of unique features. Appropriate forecast enhances identification of cost drivers leading to development of appropriate measures of performance. It would enable an organization understand how operational drivers affect its financial performance outcomes. As budget forecasts are highly dependent on demand and supply, hotels should consider their room occupancy and the charged rates should increase with increase in reservations. But in practice, this does not happen and Salerno (2012) argues that most hoteliers would blindly set rates for future and then get disappointed. Poor accuracy of budgets still remains a problem in many organizations. When forecasts are made way above or below the budget, the organization risks making bad decisions based on the incorrect projections. This would also cause the management to pay less attention to budgets as they become unreliable and not trusted. Generally, inaccurate forecasts significantly affect revenue management system performance as the organization will suffer lack of proper planning (Weatherford & Kimes, 2003). When the forecasts are set so high, Hayes and Miller (2011) argue that the forecast then becomes a motivational tool for increased performance and not a revenue management tool. However, the authors note that no organization should seek to make inaccurate forecasts. These inaccuracies would be a result of deriving facts from poor tools of budgeting such as spreadsheets fed with wrong formulae. Limited time for employees to come up with good projections and their subsequent lack of motivation could also be a reason. Additionally, sidelining